My Bunch of Keys
Realstar Contractors & Realtor

Realstar Contractors & Realtor

Opening Hours: Monday - Friday: 9AM - 5PM

Phone: (868) 757-8511   Email:
An FIU Registered Agency

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Realstar Contractors & Realtor

Realstar Contractors & Realtor

Since the Establishment of Realstar Contractors & Realtor in 2013 by Broker/Owners Nisha Metai and Ryan Metai, this premier real estate firm has and continue to provide outstanding personal services.

Whether you are interested in buying or selling a home, commercial property, new construction or need property management services, we offer a wide range of information designed to help you make the right decision concerning this substantial investment.

Our People

Nisha Metai

Nisha Metai

Phone: 868-757-8511

Seema Lowtan

Seema Lowtan

Phone: 868-720-4148

Joel James

Joel James

Phone: 868-317-9128

Recent Listings


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2 Beds, 2 Baths 
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3 Beds, 2 Baths 
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7 Beds, 3 Baths 
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10 Beds, 10 Baths 
Bon Accord 
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