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Find More In: For Sale Land Cumuto 

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About this Property

Cumuto – 28 Acres; access on Cumuto Main Road and Hemradge Trace. Family cultivated – 5 acres coffee and cocoa in past times. Price: US$60,000 per acre with mineral rights. Can be sold with or without mineral rights at US$45,000 per acre

About the Region

Cumuto is a district in Trinidad. Cumuto is east of Sangre Grande and south of Arima. It is within the Sangre Grande region. Cumuto is the site of the Aripo Savannas Scientific Reserve, an area which contains one of the last remaining areas of natural savannah in Trinidad and Tobago. This village is easily accessible and has developed significantly. It is protected by the Cumuto Police station. The residences have stabilized their standard of living by successfully development their small businesses. There are Churches, Schools and recreational parks.

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