Amazing…..Lush…..Green…… Bella Vista Development – Land Only – Starting at $800,000.00



Property Details

Property ID:

Bella Vista Development, D'abadie, D'abadie 

Sq. Footage: 7000sq.ft.

Pet Friendly
Gated CompoundGated CommunityElectricityAir ConditioningLeasehold LandT&C ApprovedPet FriendlyKid Friendly

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About this Property

“Bella Vista” Development, D’Abadie – The Vision 

The Oropune Estate History: 

The Estate originally comprised 200 acres with the Estate House and it’s main crop was  tonca bean for the perfume industry. It now comprises 113 acres and is owned by 5 sisters and their family. 

Phase 1 was a sub-division of 26 Residential parcels located in the south-west corner, bounding with the Old Arima Road and the Oropune-La Resource Road. 

The Existing Project: 

Approval has been granted to develop 22 acres into 35 single family Residential parcels, a Commercial Shopping centre, a Community Centre, a Primary School Site, Active and  Passive Open Spaces, and Natural Water Course Reserves. 


The lots are all from 7,000 sq.f. and up to 12,000 sq.f. 

Average $ 860,000 per parcel, which is compatible and comparable to the prices of  similar sized and located properties in the area. 

We will be Leasing the Title in order that everyone can maintain some control  over the construction of homes and the environment. At a later stage, the freehold  could be granted. 


The owners have another 80 acres of land north of this Phase, and therefore have a  vested interest in how the project develops and to ensure it’s success. There is likely to  be further development afer this Phase. 


The School is a day-care/primary school, not a Govt. school, and available to be  purchased and school built along with a home.

Community Centre: 

It is envisioned as a place where the Residents will come to meet, ‘lime’, have parties, weddings and the like, and not catering to the general public, and also having a  Company office as well. 

Roads & Infrastructure: 

The roads are all wider than normal, the main access off Arima Old Road is a 15 m. reserve, the entrance from Oropune -La Resource Road is a 12 m. Reserve. Eventually  security booths and gates would be installed at the two entrances. 


Each home owner will put in their own security around their perimeter. If a front wall  is built, it must be planted in ivy, if chain link is used, plants must be planted to hide  the fence, such as bougainvillea or wild lime. 


We are going to leave most trees existing on the parcels, to keep it green, and control  erosion (only road reserves and open spaces to be cleared) and you can only clear and  cut where you are building your house, and thereafer, you must re-plant fruit or  ornamental trees if existing trees are removed. 

We propose every lot should have at least a julie mango, orange, avocado, pommerac  or poui tree planted on the property. We want to provide 5 young trees for all  Purchasers to choose from, when they close. This will green the development and also  encourage birds and wildlife to the area. 

Open Spaces: 

Adequate Open Space has been provided and is both active and passive. One passive area is located where we will plant a row of yellow pouis below, and place  benches to sit and enjoy the evening and sunset. 

Water Courses: 

All Natural water courses will also be kept as is, with a wide bamboo lined reserve of 33 f. on each bank (20 meter wide Reserve). These Reserves can also be used as bike and  exercise trails for Residents to use.

Commercial Shopping Centre: 

The Commercial area would be the final aspect, after the other phases have been built  and occupied. 

Commercial/Residential Use: 

We are also considering a High Rise Apartment building with the Shopping Centre on  the ground floor as an alternative use. 


About the Region

D'Abadie is a community located in the Tunapuna-Piarco regional corporation in Trinidad and Tobago. Its population is approximately 5,827 people. Some businesses include Arawak Chicken Factory, D'Abadie Discount Hardware Limited and PriceSmart Wholesale Club. Some schools include Pinehaven S.D.A. Primary School and D'abadie Government Primary School. One of its attractions is Cleaver Woods, a park dedicated to the history and culture of the indigenous Caribs.

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