76 Tragarete road Newtown



Meet the Agent:

Susie Montano

Agency: 1on1 Realty
Phone: (868) 384-2732

A Member of an FIU Registered Agency

Property Details

Property ID:

Newtown Port of Spain 

Sq. Footage: 6390sq.ft.

Find More In: For Sale / Commercial Office Building Newtown Port of Spain 

This Property is a favourite of: 3 User(s).

About this Property

For Sale:  $8m

This two-storey Commercial property with a detached single-storey annex to the rear is located on the Northern side of Tragarete Rd. between Maraval Rd. and Picton Street:

6,100sf Freehold Land

6,390sf Building Space:  Ground Floor – 3,000sf 

                                           First Floor – 2.400sf

                                           Annex – 990sf                     

The ground floor comprises a reception area, a studio, 3 offices, a master control room, a voice room, 3 editing rooms, 2 storerooms, a changing room and restrooms

The first floor comprises a news study, 3 offices, a newsroom, a computer server room, an editing room, library and restrooms

The annex comprises 2 offices, a lunchroom, storeroom and a restroom

About the Region

Newtown, is a district in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Over the years Newtown has evolved into a fairly well developed business area with large residences being converted into business places or being torn down with the intention to build a more business like location. One of the older buildings which has retained most of its historical look is the St. Patrick's R.C. Church. Newtown is one of the areas which had at least one primary school for boys and one for girls, which is the Newtown Boys and Newtown Girls. Known for success in academics and Music Festival competitions, these schools are located on either side of the St. Patrick's R.C. Church with access from Maraval Road.

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Port of Spain
Port of Spain (Spanish: Puerto España), officially the City of Port of Spain (also stylized Port-of-Spain), is the capital city of Trinidad and Tobago, the country's second-largest city after San Fernando, and the third largest municipality after Chaguanas and San Fernando. The city has a municipal population of 37,074. This city offers housing facilities to many ministries of the local government. It serves as a main transport hub for both land and sea where many citizens use daily to move around the country. Many businesses thrive from the fluster of working class people who pass through daily. Some sectors or business types located are banking, hotels, casinos, food, cinemas, restaurants etc. Port of Spain is very popular for having the largest round about in the world which is known as “the Queens Park Savannah”. Main tourist attractions such as the Emperor Valley Zoo and Botanical gardens are all located around the Queens Park Savannah. This city is where the most exciting carnival celebrations are held and are participated by many well-known celebrities. A main tourist attraction is “the Avenue” where many persons gather on a weekend to whine down, relax and enjoy the many “hang out spots”. This too is another major tourists attraction as many celebrities visit just to relax.

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